One of my very favorite thing about having high schoolers is the way that when I take the time to dive into their passions, I find my own expanding. Case in point: graphic novels. I have always generally enjoyed graphic novels, but my oldest daughter’s deep dive into the world of comics and sequential art has led me to a much greater appreciation for this art form (and it has subsequently influenced my own writing). So I found myself a month ago, scrolling through possible books to review on Netgalley, suddenly shouting to my daughter in delight: “Hey, Lucy, guess what? Scott McCloud endorsed this new graphic novel! It must be pretty good, at least from an art standpoint.”
Scott McCloud (I will explain to those of you like the me of two years ago) is basically Yoda of the comics world. He has studied everything about the topic, analyzed it at every level, and stepped up to train all the young comics Jedis in his ways. His books Understanding Comics and Making Comics are the textbooks par excellence of the graphic novel world. Through studying them, my daughter has come to have—and share with me, at some level—a deep understanding of the art form: what makes it work, and what makes it great. And Boticelli’s Apprentice is definitely one of the good ones—I mean, it already has an endorsement from Yoda, but I’ll throw in my two cents from the storytelling side of things as well. Here’s what the publisher has to say: Life as a chicken girl isn’t so bad, but Mella wants more. Though girls can’t be official apprentices to artists in Florence, Mella has been secretly teaching herself to paint while tending to artist Sandro Botticelli’s chickens. When one of Botticelli’s actual apprentices discovers Mella’s work, he threatens to take full credit for it. Why does it matter who drew it if it’s good? With the help of unexpected allies, an important patron, and a tenacious stray dog named Blue, Mella must summon all her courage, smarts, and skills to prove her worth and demand the recognition she deserves. One interesting thing about this story is that you’d think it would take some considerable suspension of disbelief to buy into a story about a girl who wants to be Botticelli’s apprentice... because most of us know how unlikely that would be—so unlikely that a girl probably wouldn’t even have such a dream in the first place. Ursula Murray Husted took a huge risk in telling such a story, and another huge risk in telling this story in modern dialect. There is no attempt to make her characters sound like Italians from hundreds of years ago; rather, you could imagine overhearing most of the conversations in a local 21st century restaurant or at least art school. The funny thing is, it totally works. And not only does it work, but that choice in dialect succeeded in making her choice of story seem more plausible as well. Or at least easy to suspend disbelief. I found myself saying, “Yeah, I know this isn’t a real historical story, and I don’t care. I want to go along for the ride anyway.” That’s not to say she didn’t get the historical details right. In fact, her research into art and lifestyles of the Renaissance was thorough and well represented in both narration and art. Being a bit of a nerd about art details like pigments, I really enjoyed all the discussion of various ways artists made different colors, and the difference in quality, durability, etc. Clearly the aforementioned risks were intentional. I’ll dip my toe into artistic critique just for a moment. The colors are gorgeous. The pictures are interesting to look at but so perfectly paced (if that’s the right word for pictures in sequential art) that I almost forgot they were there unless I stopped to pay attention. They just told the story and pulled me right along. Scott McCloud (or my daughter) could probably tell you exactly why they worked so well. I just know that I loved every minute of the story. Botticelli’s Apprentice releases on March 11 but is available for pre-order now. (I received an electronic ARC from Netgalley.) For more Marvelous Middle Grade Monday recommendations, be sure to visit Always in the Middle:
I have a great middle grade book to share with you all today, but first: some news! Little Hough #9 was born last Friday: Blaise Sebastian. He's our second boy and our second November baby—I'm enjoying lots of snuggling and reading during these chilly fall days postpartum. Forgive me for a less thorough review than usual—I suppose this is more of a recommendation than a real review—but there is more cuddling to be done. :) And my high schooler needs to use our sole family computer for her college Latin class (having a high school senior and a newborn at the same time is just as wild as you might imagine. And a lot of fun). Now onto the recommendation!
The Wonder Brothers, by Frank Cottrell-Boyce, has been the perfect relaxing postpartum read. It's funny and heartfelt, features kids obsessed with their hobby (kids with obsessions are always my favorites in books), plus: MAGIC. Of the illusions and sleight of hand variety. It was great fun and absolutely ideal for warding off any baby blues! (That is also to say: not so much of a tearjerker as some of the author's other books. This one stayed very light.) Here's the publisher's description: ‘Maybe you don’t believe me. Maybe you don’t believe in magic. I bet you will by the time you’ve heard what happened to us.’ Cousins Middy and Nathan love magic. The on-stage, cape-swirling, bunny-out-of-a-hat kind. For Middy, it’s all about patience and practice. She uses magic skills to help her out of tricky situations. Nathan is a show-off and a total danger magnet, he is drawn to the sensation, spectacle and audience. So when the famous Blackpool Tower dramatically vanishes the night of the Grand Lights Switch-On, showman Nathan announces live on TV that they will magic it back home. With a stick of rock, a spangly cape, and a bit of misdirection, they end up lost in Las Vegas, home to the grand master of illusion, Perplexion, ‘Legend of Magic’. Full of tricks, twists and deceptions, the delightful Nathan and Middy will keep you guessing until the very end. No matter how big the show, family, friendship and adventure shine through in The Wonder Brothers. Have any of you read this, or other books by Frank Cottrell-Boyce? He's one of my all-time favorite authors, little known by American readers, though apparently he's massively popular across the pond. For more Marvelous Middle Grade Monday recommendations, check out Always in the Middle: I have such a fun book to review today! It was released in 2023 (and I even received it as a Christmas gift!), but somehow I didn't get around to reading it until this Fall. Which turned out to be perfect, because mysteries are essential fall reading as far as I'm concerned—and also because now I only have to wait a few weeks until Book #2 comes out! Final Word, by Janet Sumner Johnson, is a perfect mystery read for a sensitive reader—not too scary, not too intense, but with puzzles galore, wonderful characters, and an atmospheric old house full of secrets.
Here's the publisher's description: Thirteen-year-old twins Hope and Gordon enter a spelling bee in a last-ditch effort to save their family from financial ruin, only to find themselves in a cut-throat competition to uncover a fortune and dark secrets about the wealthy relations they’ve never known. Hope Smith can’t stand rich people—the dictionary magnate family the Wintertons most of all. Not since she and her twin brother, Gordon, learned that their dad was one. So when Gordon enters the family into the Winterton’s charity spelling bee, Hope wants nothing to do with it. But with their mom losing her job and the family facing eviction from the motel where they live, they desperately need the money, and it looks like Hope doesn’t have much of a choice. After winning the preliminary round, the Smiths are whisked to Winterton Chalet to compete in the official Winterton Bee against their long-lost relatives. Hope wants to get in and out, beat the snobbish family at their own game, and never see them again. But deceased matriarch Jane Winterton had other plans for this final family showdown. Before her death, she set up a clue hunt throughout the manor—an alternate way for Hope and Gordon to get the money that could change their lives. Still, others are on the trail, too. With tensions at an all-time high, a fortune at stake, and long-simmering family secrets about to boil to the surface, anything could happen. I loved so many things about Final Word: spelling bees and dictionaries! old houses! Jane Austen references galore! big family dynamics! mercy and healing and hurt and peace. Really, it was wonderful, and one of my favorite reads of the year. Some topics parents/teachers may want to be aware of before handing this to a child: --a lot of discussion of a character's death, including the resulting trauma and guilt that his family suffered because of it —the main characters' parents were not married (and the father is now dead) —one adult is very emotionally abusive to his family and others (this is not justified in any way in the story, but it can be hard to read at times) —some very mild crude language on a couple occasions I hope you get a chance to pick this up soon (read it while it's still fall!), and I'll keep you posted on what I think of the sequel! For more Marvelous Middle Grade Monday recommendations, check out Always in the Middle: Thanks to Netgalley, I was able to read one of my most highly anticipated middle grade books of 2024 early—but don't worry, you won't have to wait long! You can pre-order Take it from the Top now, and it will be available in November.
On to the review! Let's start with the publisher's description: Set at a camp over the course of six summers, this novel dives into the falling-out of two girls from different backgrounds who thought they'd be friends forever. Claire Swinarski, regional indie bestseller of the ALA Notable What Happened to Rachel Riley?, tackles privilege, perspective, and the power of friendship in this page-turning puzzle that readers will devour. Eowyn Becker has waited all year to attend her sixth summer at Lamplighter Lake Summer Camp. Here, she’s not in the shadow of her Broadway-star older brother; she’s a stellar performer in her own right. Here, the pain of her mom’s death can’t reach her, and she gets to reunite with her best friend, Jules Marrigan—the only person in the world who understands her. But when she gets to camp, everything seems wrong. The best-friend reunion Eowyn had been dreaming of doesn’t go as planned. Jules will barely even look at Eowyn, let alone talk to her, and Eowyn has no idea why. Well, maybe she does… There are two sides to every story, and if you want to understand this one, you’ll need to hear both. Told in a series of alternating chapters that dip back to past summers, the girls’ story will soon reveal how Eowyn and Jules went from being best friends to fierce foils. Can they mend ways before the curtains close on what was supposed to be the best summer of their lives? I absolutely loved this story! Eowyn and Jules are both wonderful and wonderfully-crafted characters. I wish I could be friends with both of them…and still I found myself ready to smack both of them at various points throughout the story (okay, so I was a little invested). Like all of Claire Swinarksi's books, character development takes center stage, but Take it from the Top also brings the setting to life in such a tangible way. I could practically feel the stage makeup tickling my nose and imagine the chilly lake and cozy cabins of summer camp (and that says a lot considering I never went to summer camp). This is an obvious pick for the theater lovers in your life. What might not be as obvious from the description is how much Take it from the Top is a book about families—how they form us, how they hurt us, how they heal us, how they make us who we are and how who we are is not defined by them. The friendship between Jules and Eowyn is the central relationship in the story, but the entire plot revolves around how their two respective families and family situations create a conflict that Jules and Eowyn have to work to overcome. Perhaps this reminds you a little of a very famous play? Maybe the name Jules was chosen as a subtle nod? While these very normal American families may be no Capulets and Montagues with ill blood between them, Take it from the Top presents a more (to my mind) interesting and relevant inter-family dynamic: can our backgrounds be so different that true understanding is impossible? Of course the answer is no…but it is also: it might be difficult. And that's okay. Because so many of the things worth putting our time into in life are difficult. Like family. And friendship. And singing on stage in front of hundreds of people. As usual, a note to parents on whether this book is right for your child. Here are few topics and themes I'll discuss with my children either before, during, or after they read Take it from the Top: -death of a parent and how it affects a family -a couple cases of characters taking God's name in vain (my children are very sensitive to this) -a lot of crushes… The main characters are 13, and my 13-year-old has absolutely no interest in crushes. :) For that reason, I'll probably give it to my older daughters first. I love that the boy-girl relationships are always innocent—the relationship between Eowyn and her crush is particularly very sweet, but I would discuss with my kids that she sneaks out of her cabin to talk to him at night several times… I know, I know, kids do this. But I'm a mom of teens and my child safety detector is on high alert. -some of the songs and musicals mentioned are more mature than what I let my 13-year-olds view, so I'll be giving them a heads up before they start searching Youtube… (I always provide these notes as an aid to parents, teachers, and librarians, but I won't recommend any books I wouldn't feel comfortable handing to my own kids—as a parent, I simply always appreciate having more info rather than less! Sometimes I incorporate topic notes into my reviews, but in the future I'm going to try to list them out like this for viewing ease.) As I said, Take it from the Top will be available in November, so be sure to pre-order from your favorite bookstore or library now! For more Marvelous Middle Grade Monday recommendations, visit: Fun fact: when I was 14 years old, I won $1000 in a writing competition for a story about a little girl's love for a library book–written from the perspective of the library book--its journal through the years. (No, I have never expanded upon that idea of mine, but yes, my mom and my kids all want me to.) It was the first money I ever made from writing, and I used it several years later to buy my dream wedding dress. Not a bad way to get me hooked on the idea of writing as a career.
I bring this up to explain why my nerdy, history-loving little heart got so very excited at the prospect of a book told from the point of view of a typewriter. There are certain inanimate objects–books, typewriters, rocking chairs, quilts, to name a few–that have always seemed to me to hold so many stories. I desperately wished I could see what they had seen, know what they had known or felt, if they could know or feel. In Olivetti, Allie Millington explores that idea, taking it from a whimsical thought to a central plot point, when the typewriter Olivetti turns out to be the only "person" with the information needed to find a family's missing mother. As a writer who has wondered from time to time how I might expand on that old diary of a library book idea…I was impressed by just how beautifully this rather unlikely plot twist worked. Here's the full publisher's description: Being a typewriter is not as easy as it looks. Surrounded by books (notorious attention hogs) and recently replaced by a computer, Olivetti has been forgotten by the Brindle family—the family he’s lived with for years. The Brindles are busy humans, apart from 12-year-old Ernest, who would rather be left alone with his collection of Oxford English Dictionaries. The least they could do was remember Olivetti once in a while, since he remembers every word they’ve typed on him. It’s a thankless job, keeping memories alive. Olivetti gets a rare glimpse of action from Ernest’s mom, Beatrice--his used-to-be most frequent visitor—only for her to drop him off at Heartland Pawn Shop and leave him helplessly behind. When Olivetti learns Beatrice has mysteriously gone missing afterward, he believes he can help find her. He breaks the only rule of the “typewriterly code” and types back to Ernest, divulging Beatrice’s memories stored inside him. Their search takes them across San Francisco—chasing clues, maybe committing a few misdemeanors. As Olivetti spills out the past, Ernest is forced to face what he and his family have been running from, The Everything That Happened. Only by working together will they find Beatrice, belonging, and the parts of themselves they’ve lost. What that description doesn't mention may be my very favorite part of the story: the delightful side character of the pawn shop owner's daughter, who really brought the story glowingly to life. (She reminded me wonderfully of Jerry Spinelli's Stargirl.) As much as I enjoyed this story, there are certain plot elements that may make it too intense for the younger middle grade reader, particularly a parent's physical and mental illness. I won't spoil the story for you by going into too much detail, but feel free to reach out to me if you'd like to know more before handing it to your child. For more Marvelous Middle Grade Monday recommendations, check out Always in the Middle: Want another book to add to your 2025 Newbery hopeful list? You've come to the right place. The Secret Language of Birds, by Lynne Kelly, has so many elements that I love in a middle grade novel: a main character with a fun obsession, a plot that revolves around friendship and fitting in (or learning when not to), an evocative setting, and a "plot problem" that is both realistic to the middle grade years while feeling high stakes for that character.
Here's the publisher's description: Nina is used to feeling like the odd one out, both at school and in her large family. But while trying to fit in at summer camp, she discovers something even more two majestic birds have built a nest in the marsh behind an abandoned infirmary. They appear to be whooping cranes, but that’s impossible—Nina is an amateur bird-watcher, and all her resources tell her that those rare birds haven’t nested in Texas for over a hundred years. When Nina reports the sighting to wildlife officials, more questions arise. Experts track all the endangered birds, but they can’t identify the female bird that Nina found. Who is she, and where did she come from? With the help of some fellow campers, Nina sets out to discover who the mystery bird really is. As she gets closer to the truth, will she find a flock of her own? This instant classic from award-winning author Lynne Kelly captures the coming-of-age moment of learning to spread your wings in a way you'll never forget. I think I can safely say that my very favorite types of characters in middle grade (maybe in all books?) tend to have one trait in common: they LOVE things deeply. They get obsessed. They can tell you every detail about their favorite things, whether you asked or not. So Nina's obsession with birdwatching automatically pulled me into her story—especially, okay, because birdwatching is an obsession I might just happen to share. Lynne Kelly even managed to get two of my favorite birdwatching bits of trivia into the story (how to tell the difference between young herons and egrets—hey, it comes up a lot when you live next to a river—and one I will call "the Shakespeare one" so I don't spoil it for you, but it's very funny). My children have heard me monologue for minutes on end about the recovery of the osprey population in Connecticut (as I explain WHY I am so excited about something that is now so commonplace as an osprey nest), so none of them were surprised at all when I fell in love with a book about two endangered birds and a girl who loves them. All that said… even if birdwatching holds very little interest for you, you will be pulled in by Nina's story. Because birdwatching is just a fascinating canvas on which Lynne Kelly paints the story of a girl who is learning to love who she is and to love others for who they are, too. Who is growing in her ability to accept love and to give it. Basically, a girl who is learning how to be a friend. And there's no more quintessentially middle grade story than that. Mostly, the themes in this book are appropriate for even young middle grade readers, though before you hand this off to a sensitive reader, you may want to be aware that is discusses purposeless hunting of an endangered bird. The main character also sneaks off by herself several times throughout the book and keeps secrets from adults—but both of these issues are met with consequences; she does regret her bad choices and learns from them. Have you read The Secret Language of Birds yet? What did you think? For more Marvelous Middle Grade Monday recommendations, check out Always in the Middle at I have another wonderful historical fiction novel to share with you today: Light and Air, by Mindy Nichols Wendell. We have a lot going on this week (starting up homeschool with a senior in high school all the way down to a pre-pre-schooler!), so let's start out with the Publisher's description:
It's 1935, and tuberculosis is ravaging the nation. Everyone is afraid of this deadly respiratory illness. But what happens when you actually have it? When Halle and her mother both come down with TB, they are shunned—and then they are sent to the J.N. Adam Tuberculosis Hospital: far from home, far from family, far from the world. Tucked away in the woods of upstate New York, the hospital is a closed and quiet place. But it is not, Halle learns, a prison. Free of her worried and difficult father for the first time in her life, she slowly discovers joy, family, and the healing power of honey on the children's ward, where the girls on the floor become her confidantes and sisters. But when Mama suffers a lung hemorrhage, their entire future—and recovery—is thrown into question.... Light and Air deals tenderly and insightfully with isolation, quarantine, found family, and illness. Set in the fully realized world of a 1930s hospital, it offers a tender glimpse into a historical epidemic that has become more relatable than ever due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As Halle tries to warm her father’s coldness and learns to trust the girls and women of the hospital, and as she and her mother battle a disease that once paralyzed the country, a profound message of strength, hope, and healing emerges. My thoughts: I LOVED Light and Air. It had all the atmosphere and quiet building of suspense that I associate with my favorite vintage stories; in fact, Light and Air felt more like a book actually written in the early twentieth century than a modern book set then. (I can say that about very few books, and the lack of it is not necessarily a problem as much as a recognition of style, but I sure do like it when I find it.) As a head’s up to parents, this book (as you can see from the description) deals with some heavy topics: a child dies, multiple miscarriages are mentioned, and a parent suffers from depression and anxiety. None of these topics is gratuitious, however, and the plot is beautifully woven around the idea that even the dark things we go through can make us better human beings if we allow ourselves to hurt and heal. Have you read Light and Air yet? What did you think of it? Personally, I’m tucking it neatly away in my “2025 Newbery Hopeful” shelf! For more Marvelous Middle Grade Monday recommendations, be sure to visit Always in the Middle: (Note: The publisher's description says the book is set in Upstate New York. The book itself gets it "right:" the setting is near Buffalo, in Western New York. We had a fun, friendly little argument about this over on Instagram, but all the people who actually lived near Buffalo--like I used to!--agree that Western New York is the correct term. ;) Today's featured book made me laugh out loud, cry actual tears, and think deep thoughts. I absolutely loved it. It's also a book I would never, ever have picked up as a kid. I might not even have enjoyed it, had I been forced into it. It's not because it's an adult-focused book, or one kids won't enjoy. In fact, my teenage daughter read it before I did and enjoyed every minute. It's simply because people change, and thank goodness there are books written for every step of life we take. The Tenth Mistake of Hank Hooperman, by Jennifer Choldenko, while its story might bear little resemblance to my actual life right now, was somehow, mysteriously exactly what I needed at this moment in time.
Here's the publisher's description: When eleven-year-old Hank’s mom doesn’t come home, he takes care of his toddler sister, Boo, like he always does. But it’s been a week now. They are out of food and mom has never stayed away this long… Hank knows he needs help, so he and Boo seek out the stranger listed as their emergency contact. But asking for help has consequences. It means social workers, and a new school, and having to answer questions about his mom that he's been trying to keep secret. And if they can't find his mom soon, Hank and Boo may end up in different foster homes--he could lose everything. Gennifer Choldenko has written a heart-wrenching, healing, and ultimately hopeful story about how complicated family can be. About how you can love someone, even when you can’t rely on them. And about the transformative power of second chances. It's been a bit since I read a contemporary middle grade story this compelling, or with a character so completely lovable as Hank. My long-time readers know that "issue books" aren't my thing, so I will assure you that while this story touches upon many painful topics, it is not about them. It's very much a story about a boy and his relationship with his sister and his mother, as well as his own growth in understanding of himself and his worth. As I mentioned, my teenage daughter read this before me and loved it—she warned me that it was serious in moments and would probably make me cry (yup), so I asked her "Are the sad moments like Gary D. Schmidt sad or Bridge to Terabithia sad?" Her answer: "Well, it's hard to say… It's more like Claire Swinarski sad." After finishing it, I knew exactly what she meant. Hank Hooperman hit me in the gut and pulled at my heartstrings just like Claire Swinarski's middle grade books. If I was shelving books based on their vibes and the range of emotions I felt while reading them, this one would go right next to Swinarski's The Kate In Between. If you and your kids love books like that, this is a must-read. But if you don't usually…maybe give it a chance. Books are such wonderful ways to expand our imaginations and our empathy, to grow in understanding of people whose lives are very very different from our own but who are very very worthy of love. For more Marvelous Middle Grade Monday recommendations, check out Always in the Middle: After a long hiatus, I'm back with Marvelous Middle Grade Monday—and it's good timing, because there are some amazing books that have come out this year and I can't wait to share them with you! First up, a spectacular WWII Historical novel: The Night War, by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley. Confession: I wasn't a huge fan of Kimberly Brubaker Bradley's other historical fiction. For a variety of reasons, despite the fact that *everyone* seemed to love The War that Saved My Life, I simply couldn't connect to the main character (this says a lot, author friends, about why you have to find the right agent/editor/readers for your book and not judge its value on one opinion!). But I decided to give her another chance with The Night War, both because the description was so alluring and because I'd heard so much buzz about its merits and controversy about its authorship. (Briefly, and I'll get into this later, some readers were put off by the fact that a non-Jewish author depicted a Jewish main character.) And I'm glad I put my pre-conceived ideas aside, because I loved The Night War from the very first chapter. Here's the publisher's description: It’s 1942. German Nazis occupy much of France. And twelve-year-old Miriam, who is Jewish, is not safe. With help and quick thinking, Miri is saved from the roundup that takes her entire Jewish neighborhood. She escapes Paris, landing in a small French village, where the spires of the famous Chateau de Chenonceau rise high into the sky, its bridge across the River Cher like a promise, a fairy tale. But Miri’s life is no fairy tale. Her parents are gone—maybe alive, maybe not. Taken in at the boarding school near the chateau, pretending to be Catholic to escape Nazi capture, Miri volunteers one night to undertake a deadly task, one that spans the castle grounds, its bridge, and the very border to freedom. Here is her chance to escape—hopefully to find her parents. But will she take it? One thing is certain: The person Miri meets that night will save her life. And the person Miri becomes that night could save the lives of many more. In her return to the era of The War that Saved My Life and The War I Finally Won, Kimberly Brubaker Bradley brings a new and different story, one with a mystical twist, that explores a little-known slice of World War II history, a highly unusual friendship, and the power of choosing courage even when—especially when—there are no good choices to be had. Like most WWII stories, I would recommend this to mature middle grade readers. Besides the usual WWII prejudice and violence, there are some mentions of the mistress of King Henri of France in the 1500's, mentions of menstruation (not exactly a mature topic but one I feel children have the right to hear about from their parents first), and many theological questions that might be overwhelming for young children without guidance (though they're EXCELLENT conversation starters, and I think this would make a perfect parent-child book club or family read aloud). Back to the topic I teased before… The author is neither Jewish nor Catholic, and, yes, she gets some details wrong on both counts. (I have heard many people talk about the Jewish elements, but so far no one has mentioned the Catholic ones, like the fact that baptisms were not celebrated during Mass in the 40's, or that the rosary does not begin with the first Hail Mary of the first decade). Here's the thing. As a Catholic, I appreciate that an author tried to represent members of my faith and to do it honestly and fairly. I loved that alongside the stereotypical "mean nun," you have several spectacularly brave and kind nuns. I feel the same when male authors tell a story about a female character, or when non-homeschoolers try their best to honestly represent homeschooling, or when non-Americans make the effort to get American culture right. Especially in historical fiction, I think we have to acknowledge that NONE of us truly knows what it was like to live in a different time. No matter how much we may have in common with our characters, we historical fictions writers are stuck in the dilemma—and with the advantage—of needing to use research and imagination to get us through. I'm willing to accept a few mistakes because no one but Kimberly Brubaker Bradley could have imagined and researched and told this unique story. If I had written it, the prayers of the rosary would be correct, but the heart would be different. If a Jewish author had written it, they wouldn't have made the same mistakes about the Jewish experience, but it would be a different story. This story came to Kimberly Brubaker Bradley and no one else, and I'm very grateful that she chose to tell it. Have you read this book yet? Do you agree or disagree with my opinion? I'm always happy to have respectful conversation in the comments, and I certainly think this topic has room for varying opinions. For more Marvelous Middle Grade Monday recommendations, visit Always in the Middle, at
There's an Albert Einstein quote that [all right, rather embarrassingly] I think of almost daily:
"If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales." Of course I love that the great physicist Einstein prioritized language and literature. But what strikes me repeatedly is that he understood that intelligence about LIFE is more important than an ability to solve an equation follow a set of rules. While modern research backs up the idea that reading and being read to improves children's academic abilities across the board, I don't think that was what Einstein was talking about. He realized, I think, that there was a danger in becoming so "educated" in career-focused skills that we would forget how to be human. Being human, and being the best humans we can be, is something that has been taught through fairy tales since stories were first uttered, I imagine. (Even Jesus taught through parables!) When I began reading Mio, My Son, by Astrid Lindgren, all I knew about it was that one of my favorite authors had written it, and one of my best-book-loving-friends (it's a whole category, you all know that) loved it. In fact, after my friend Liz wrote about it for Plough magazine back in 2021, the book's popularity took off so quickly that I literally could not find a copy anywhere. Liz came to my rescue and sent me a copy for Christmas, so I'm finally just getting on the Mio bandwagon. Start searching book sales and eBay, friends, because you're going to want to join me. Briefly, Mio is an unloved orphan boy who finds himself carried away to Farawayland, where he discovers he is in fact the beloved son of the great King. He walks in the garden with his father, rides through the fields with his magnificent horse, plays in the forest with his best friend. His life is everything he only ever dreamed of—until he becomes aware of an evil that has sidled its way into Farawayland, stealing children and turning their hearts to stone. He realizes he is the one destined to fight this evil, but he doesn't know how one little boy could conquer so strong an enemy. In many ways, Mio is vastly unlike the Astrid Lindgren books I've read thus far. Even with its madcap and unrealistic adventures, Pippi Longstocking and Ronia, the Robber's Daughter are very concretely set in the real world. More so with The Children of Noisy Village. My recent favorite, Seacrow Island, reads much like much-loved vintage stories of realistic children by Noel Streatfeild or even Beverly Cleary. Mio, on the the other hand, takes all of one chapter to let you know that you have been whisked away to fairyland just like Mio was. In that sense, it immediately brings to mind the works of Tolkien and Lewis and MacDonald (especially MacDonald in tone, and especially Tolkien in theme). With a genie in a bottle and a magic sword and children whisked away by an evil knight, it's as fairy tale as fairy tales get. And yet. The Astrid-Lindgren-ness of Astrid Lindgren can't help itself. Because where Mio shines is its portrayal of a very real, very human child. Mio, in his normal longing for a father and for a friend and for a pet, is every bit as concretely (and sometimes hilariously) human as Pippi or Tommy and Annika. Like every great fairy tale (and, again, this is what I think Einstein was talking about), Mio asks important—human—questions: How do we handle the loss of ones we love? How can we do the hard things that have to be done? Is there someone who could ever love us unconditionally? It answers these questions, not directly, but by inference, and perhaps that's what makes them stick all the better. The most striking feeling I came away with after closing the cover was this: "I am loved. And that love will give me the strength to do any hard thing that needs to be done." I highly recommend Liz's article for a more thoughtfully intellectual take on this story; I'm not sure if it was a mistake or a wise move, but I read her article right before sitting down to write this, and I found that she had already articulated 90% of my thoughts so perfectly that it was futile to reiterate them! Have you read Mio already? I'd love to know your thoughts! For more Marvelous Middle Grade Monday recommendations, check out Always in the Middle! |
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September 2024